At the doctors office this week, I discovered I reached a milestone, one that is worth celebrating, even if it's only privately. I am officially under the 200 lbs mark on this journey. My blood pressure was healthier than it's ever been. To me those are things worth celebrating! I can be proud of myself for those accomplishments. I did it and no one can take that away from me.
Humanely speaking...
I have been told I am often too serious...which is entirely true. Therefore celebrating seems silly. But, today is marking a day of new beginings! I have made no bones about how hard this journey has been. I think today calls for a day of celebration. I need to start focusing on the positives, and break the cycle of negative thinking. Harder said then done, but worth it.
1. I am thankful for the fact that I can literally feel my body getting stronger. I know not every single person on the planet has the ability to run. I may be slow, but I have the ability. That is something to celebrate.
2. I am thankful that there is a massive support system when it comes to eating better. All I have to do is fire up google and I can find receipes, nutrition tips and ideas, and places where real food is on sale. I belong to several groups on FB that give ideas for better living, and I can ask questions of.
3. God hasn't left me on this journey. Every single step of my life has been ordered by the Lord. Nothing I have experienced has been in vain. God truly does work all things together for the good of those who love Him. I am in constant need to remember this. I will remind myself of this daily.
4. My Diet Coke addiction is successfully broken. I no longer need a fizzy drink to make it through the day. I no longer reach for coffee or a Diet Coke 30 minutes after lunch to make it through the day. I haven't had a headache in over three weeks.
...it is impossible...
Things seem clouded all the time lately. Am I getting enough nutrients? Was that a good purchase of for food? Should I have had those two extra bites after not feel hungry anymore? When faced with all the information available and taking my own emotions into account, at the begining this journey seemed foolish, and impossible. I do believe in my own strength it was.
But with God...
All things are possible. That is the promise and hope I am clinging too. I am going to make mistakes on this journey called life. But that's okay. As I continue on this wellness lifestyle, I am going to make mistakes. But that's okay. I serve a God who is in the business of forgiving and making mistakes right. He pours out grace and strength and possibilities when there seems to be no way.
All things are possible.
I know I can set goals. I know that if I continue to work that in 8 months from now, I can be at my ideal weight. I know that if I continue to research new ideas I can make the health changes necessary to support my food allergies. I know that no matter what my test results say from a doctor those aren't the end results. My feelings of laziness and apathy, and anger towards myself for being here are able to be overcome.
God, you are the God of new beginings. Please continue to show me yourself on this journey. I am sorry for being so down and hard on myself. I am sorry for not properly loving myself the way I should. Would you please continue to show me what I am supposed to do? Will you continue to give me light for my path? God, I do love you. I love that you love me with an everlasting love. I love that there is so much grace for the moment, and that you have literally given me the breath that I need to breathe each day. In you God there is only life. In fact your word claims that you have come so that I may have life, and have it in abundance. God, would you show me what abundant life means? Would you give me grace for today?
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