Thursday, September 5, 2013

Choices: Food Choices, Emotional Eating, and God's Plan

I heard a speaker in church awhile back talk about how she built thankfulness into her boys. She talked about how when they where low on money, and the only food in the house was a box of pancake mix and a box of noodles, she sat her boys down and prayed: "Thank you God that we have choices." The choices weren't plentiful, but they had a choice. I think about that statement often. Am I thankful for the things in my life? Do I praise God for the fact that I have choices? The answer, the very honest answer is: NOT NEARLY ENOUGH.

I like things neat and orderly in life. I like to make lists, and I like knowing the next step. I want this health and wellness journey I am am to be free of set backs. I want to know exactly what food choices I should make. Is it better to eat a plate of grain-free waffles, with raw honey, peanut butter and apples slices for breakfast, or is two eggs scrambled with tukey nitrate-free bacon and a small glass of freshly juiced juice better for me? Would I get more impact from running intervals and staying in the "fat-burning" zone be a good choice today, or should I take build up my cardio endurance and go all out? It can be an entirely daunting task. that I am so very grateful to be able to take on. I am glad that, my eyes where opened to the truth that changes needed to be made, so I could realize the strength and physical things my body is able to acheive. I'm incredibly in awe of the fact that, God has given me the ability to reason through these "problems" and has provided for a way for them to be solved. Not every decision is an easy one. The solutions aren't always aparent, the facts need to be sorted through. Sometimes mistakes are made...that brownie & ice cream I had the other day. Delicious, but I certainly regretted it the next morning when my hands where puffy from the dairy and I couldn't put my favorite ring on, and I was irritable from the sugar crash.

But that isn't the end of the story. One mistake doesn't end everything, nor does it negate all the progress that has been made. Just because something is hard to do, doesn't mean it's not worth it.

God Speaks

I saw a documentary recently called the Gift of Pain. It was really really eye opening. It talked about how Christians sometimes have a harder time accepting and recovering from suffering, trials, and pain because they have chosen to believe the lie that if they are believers, pain won't and can't touch them. Christians mistakenly believe that if you're following God and are in His plan then things will go perfectly, and easily. The documentary, followed a doctor who works in the leper colonies of India. The fact that his patients cannot feel pain, is the very thing that is killing them.

A simple cut on my hand, stings. It causes pain. I know something is wrong or is amiss. I can wash it out, and apply an antibacterial agent, and place a bandaid on it, to prevent infection from getting in. A simple cut on a lepers hand, if left untreated can cause, gangrene, infections, and more. When put in that perspective pain is a blessing.

When I work out hard, and move my body in such a way that is improper form, pain will shoot through my body letting me know something is wrong, and I need to adjust. I have begun to learn that there is a difference in being sore from working out, and being in pain. Pain indicates something is wrong. Soreness is an indicator, that I was working and doing something right.

I believe that God speaks to us through pain. I believe that He even sometimes allows it, to let us know something is wrong and off course. And we need to adjust.

God's Plan

How many times have I gone to God, and been upset or angry, because I feel like He promised me something and it's not happening. Or there is a painful season in my life...and therefore He's not there, because if this was His plan, it wouldn't hurt so much. I think I have it all wrong.

I don't think I need to be suffering for God to be at work. But...the absence of pain or hardship doesn't indicate this path is His plan. The Isrealites, faced obstacles. They faced pain. They faced hardship on thier way to the Promised Land. It got so difficult in thier minds that they: LONGED TO GO BACK TO EGYPT. That blows me away!!! They longed to go back to a place of slavery, and captivity. Did pain, hardship, etc mean they weren't on the very path God had for them? fact I believe it was a very real indicator that they where exactly where God wanted them. He was taking them on a path to get the Egypt out of them, so they could thrive in the Promised Land. Maybe, just maybe pain, hardship, hurt...maybe those are indicators in our lives that God is at work. Maybe it means that we are on the right path towards victory. Perhaps, the Devil is scared that when we reached the Promised Land of our lives we will never ever want to leave. He's scared that when we come face to face with God's sovereign plan for our lives, we will have victory, and will no longer bow down to sin, fear, hatred, or evil.

Maybe hardship means we are on the right road. Giving everything up and offering a sacrifice of honest praise in the midst of a battle, offering praise in the face of fear, giving a shout of victory when all hope seems lost, is what wins the battle.

Refusing to Bow to Doubt

I believe I can be healthy. I believe I can be whole. I believe I can overcome my fears. I believe I can face the past pain, and release those who have hurt me. Is it easy? No. But is it God's plan. Yes. Absolutely yes.

When waiting for God to fulfill His promises to me, I can believe that God answers prayers. When doubt about if I am on the right path creeps in, I will refuse to give into fear. I will choose to praise God in the storm. I can cast all my fears and anxieties on Him. He will be faithful to answer. He will make all things beautiful in His time.

God, thank you. Thank you for choices. Thank you for life. Thank you for pain that leads me to You. God, thank you that you are guiding me. That not for one moment has you presence left me. God, you are good. You give me comfort when there shouldn't be any. You give me peace when the storms of life rage. You give me blessings where I deserve none. You give me victory that I haven't earned. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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