It's still really really hot!!! Humid and hot. Ewww. As I ran this morning all I could think was I am going to die and where is my water?! I saw a total kind, stranger had left thier sprinkler on outside, and thought..."I wonder if they will mind if I have a drink" But just in the nick of time a saw a bubbler like apparatus in a close by park. THANK GOD. THANK GOD. THANK GOD. It was a long run of intervals.
I received many compliments today about how my skin looks radiant, and my complexion is clearing up. I cannot tell you the last time I have felt like I have had clear skin. Middle school maybe? I'm 32 years old, and still break out, more then some teenagers, I know. Sad, but totally true. I wonder if it's all the crap I have been putting in my body over the years? I know all the beauty magazines tell you it's just a myth, but then again they are sponosored by the candy bar companies, and the chemical-laden acne, skin clearing products.
Today was a good day food-wise. It's easy to make good choices when all you have left in the fridge is fresh-cut veggies, hummus, dates, and almond milk.
The thing that I am thinking about today is how do you sort through all the information? What's healthy and what's not? What are realistic goals, and what aren't? How many calories a day should I be eating, and how many calories should I be burning off every day? What are vegetables you can eat safely and not worry if they are organic? Is coffee good for you, or is it bad for you? Raw fruits and veggies are best, but if you can get raw/fresh, frozen is okay, but if you can't get either get canned. But avoid certain kinds of cans. It's all incredibly confusing.
How do I sort through all the informaion and how do I implement what I am learning. Last year, I began a wellness journey due to my kidneys shutting down due to an auto-immune disease (never confirmed because my doctor won't test for it...) and I decided to make small changes, one change a month. However, I never attacked the food issue. I would avoid the foods my allergy tests said I should, for a time. Then I would go to a birthday party, and just really want cake. Or I would be out with friends and there wasn't a gluten free menu.
This is the first time I have decided to tackle it. To take a month to go vegan simply because, it means that I have to cleanse my body, of all the stressors. I am avoiding my allergy triggers, and drinking more water then anything else. I haven't had a diet coke in over two weeks, and I don't think I even want one. The idea of the bubbly carbonation hitting my throat almost makes me want to gag. I am ready to finally tackle the issue of food, and to actually do the things I know what to do.
Romans 7:15 says, " I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead I do what I hate." It speaks so much to what I am going through in regard to health & fitness. I know that sugar is addictive. I know what it does to your body. I know it turns to fat. I know cancer breeds off of it. Yet, I haven't ever taken the time to say no. I want to enjoy working out (Side note: A friend told me that after working out for 6 days you would start to crave working out. He lied. I don't crave it. I still kind of get really anxious and dread doing it.) I just don't enjoy it, and that's okay. I just do it, because I know I should.
Overall, this journey has been teaching me more about God, then I ever thought possible. It's showing me, that I am stronger then I ever thought. And it's teaching me that I need to push through. In all aspects of my life. Personal, relational, spiritual, and everything in between.
Father God, I am thankful for your truth. I am thankful that everyday doesn't have to be spectacular for me to be in your will. God, I know you have good good plans for me. I don't yet crave discipline but I am growing in self-control. I am glad you're allowing me to come up for grace-filled air. I am acknowledging that you have all this under control God.
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